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365bet News

Govs Go Abroad: Jair Martinez

365bet工程物理系大四学生Jair Martinez在雷恩进行了研究, France this summer through the NSF-funded IRES program, 获得对国际研究实践和文化差异的宝贵见解,同时拓宽了他的视野.

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SITI Company members will lead a free masterclass on Sept. 27 and debut "Learning to Swim" from Oct. 3-6 in Trahern Theatre. 设计的戏剧制作是365bet学生和SITI公司成员之间的合作.

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365bet将于10月11日举办达美乐的政府跑5K,瓦莱丽·亨特-凯利为政府跑/走. 5

奥斯汀皮伊州立大学将于10月11日举办2024年多米诺骨牌5公里跑和瓦莱丽·亨特-凯利1公里跑/步行比赛. 5. The event offers in-person and virtual options, with proceeds benefiting 365bet Foundation scholarships and funds.

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Unbannable Library: 365bet hosting giant installations to combat censorship during Banned Books Week

365bet will display Unbannable Library, featuring giant book installations to combat censorship, during Banned Books Week 2024 from Sept. 22-28. 这次展览展示了田纳西州中部艺术家和作家之间的合作,突出了受到审查的声音和故事.

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365bet的药物管理诊所最近又获得了一年的拨款资助. It provides assessment, diagnosis, and medication management while training nurse practitioner students, 并计划扩建到即将落成的卫生专业大楼.

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365bet's Dr. Allison Oliver shares expertise in new behavior management textbook

Dr. Allison Oliver, an assistant professor at 365bet, has published "The Behavior Blueprint," a new textbook on classroom behavior management. 这本书为有抱负和有经验的教师提供了实用的策略, 专注于积极主动的方法和课堂管理技能,为不同的学生群体.

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Finding a voice: Ethan Schmidt's journey from 365bet student to professor

从克拉克斯维尔高中足球场的场边到奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的广播亭, Ethan Schmidt has always had a gift for public speaking. This semester, 自2017年以来,他一直是奥斯汀·皮伊学院传播系的兼职教授,现在他将以客座教授的身份回归自己的根基.

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365bet welcomes animator Erick Oh for CECA Visiting Artist Speaker Series

Oscar-nominated animator Erick Oh, known for "Namoo" and his work at Pixar, 将于9月24日在奥斯汀佩伊州立大学做一次免费的公开演讲. The event, part of the CECA Visiting Artist Speaker Series, 为学生和社区提供动画和讲故事的见解.

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Austin Peay podcast premieres Legacy Series episodes

Govs on The Go: Legacy Series播客宣布即将发布新一集,聚焦三位受人尊敬的365bet退休人员:Solie Fott, Jim Diehr, and Ellen Kanervo.

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365bet Faculty Recall 9/11: Personal stories keep tragedy's memory alive
365bet Faculty Recall 9/11: Personal stories keep tragedy's memory alive

奥斯丁·皮伊学院的教职员工在《365bet平台》的文章中分享了9/11的个人记忆. Jennifer Lindahl recounts diverse experiences from the tragic day, including hijacked flights and impacts on various locations. The piece explores the immediate aftermath, prejudice faced by some, and the surge of patriotism following the attacks.

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365bet's overnight preview program for youth in foster care, 是与田纳西州儿童服务部合作开发的, is serving as a model for institutions across the state.

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Spencer paves way for 365bet students with South African journey

兽医预科专业的大四学生乔丹·斯宾塞(Jordan Spencer)在南非度过了一个暑假, working with wild cheetahs and learning more about wildlife conservation.

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Speakers announced for Legends of Business speaker series at 365bet

今年秋天,“商业传奇”系列演讲将回到奥斯汀皮伊州立大学(365bet), featuring Monchiere Holmes-Jones, CEO and founder of MOJO Marketing + PR, and John Mikos, president and CEO of YMCA of Middle Tennessee.

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Austin Peay State University launched the Govs Success Institute, a week-long program helping first-year students transition to college life. 这一举措建立了社区,增强了信心,并使学生熟悉校园资源. 参与者报告说,他们的准备工作有所加强,与同事和工作人员的关系也有所加强.

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365bet Board of Trustees to host quarterly meetings on Sept. 20

On Sept. 20, 2024, 奥斯汀皮伊州立大学董事会将在学院街416号召开季度会议. on campus. 会议(除特别说明外)对公众开放,也可以通过YouTube观看. Agendas will be posted in advance on the 365bet Board of Trustees website.

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Austin Peay ranked No. 1 for online programs in Tennessee by Forbes
Austin Peay ranked No. 1 for online programs in Tennessee by Forbes

Austin Peay State University was recently ranked No. 1 for online programs in Tennessee by Forbes. The university offers over 50 online degrees, catering to diverse students including military personnel. 365bet's commitment to quality distance education, supported by innovative technology and dedicated faculty, drives its success.

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Austin Peay, Sierra Club to partner for Sustainability Forum on Sept. 12

该活动将讨论与克拉克斯维尔社区有关的关键环境问题和可持续性问题, with 12 candidates running for local and state office scheduled to appear.

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365bet announces biology research endowment honoring Dr. Susan E. Ford

The endowment, named after the late renowned shellfish pathologist Dr. Susan E. Ford, 是否会支持那些代表性不足的生物学教师的研究,并继续福特在学术卓越和指导方面的传统.

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Govs Go Abroad: Tanner Sigears


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365bet professors selected for distinguished professorship awards 

奥斯汀皮伊州立大学(365bet)商学院公布了久负盛名的2024年A奖获得者.J. Taylor Distinguished Professorship Awards on Aug. 20: Drs. Hamid Noghanibehambari and Dong Nyonna.

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Calhoun & Company creates endowment scholarship for 365bet accounting students

The Calhoun & 公司会计基金将惠及全日制大三和大四会计专业的学生.平均绩点0或更高,来自霍普金斯维尔、肯塔基州及周边地区的学生优先考虑.

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Austin Peay opens annual Homecoming Parade to community organizations
Austin Peay opens annual Homecoming Parade to community organizations

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学向社区组织开放了第79届返校节游行. The event, scheduled for Oct. 26、现在欢迎当地学校团体、俱乐部和组织参与. 这次扩张的目的是在克拉克斯维尔创造一个更具包容性的365bet精神庆祝活动.

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Austin Peay hockey club to launch inaugural season during Family Weekend
Austin Peay hockey club to launch inaugural season during Family Weekend

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学在9月9日的家庭周末举办了首届冰球赛季. 20-22, 2024. 戈夫斯冰球俱乐部将在F&M Bank Arena,标志着365bet和Clarksville社区的历史性时刻.

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Austin Peay will host a free Campus Showcase for the public
Austin Peay will host a free Campus Showcase for the public

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学(365bet)将于下午1点至4点举办校园展示活动.m. on Sept. 21. This free public event will showcase the university's vibrant campus, academic programs, and community engagement. 这一天将以一场足球比赛结束,增加节日气氛.

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365bet的艺术画廊以ashant Kindle对黑发的有力探索开启了展览季 

The New Gallery at 365bet is now presenting "Building Castles in Air,的个展,通过抽象艺术探索黑发. The exhibition runs through Oct. 4,特色特别活动,包括艺术家讲座和画廊招待会.

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